News Detail

Entrepreneurship Students Have Begun the Year with a Bang

After doing some work on developing skills in identifying meaningful problems, the students went out into the school community (and in some cases, outside of school to family and friends) and interviewed dozens of students, faculty, staff members and members of the administration.
They interviewed more than 60 constituents throughout the school and then did an assessment in class about the do-ability and desirability of each of the problems identified by the interviewees. They also assessed whether the solutions to the identified problems would require special materials or other, perhaps difficult to acquire, supports.

The critical point to keep in mind is that each community member interviewed identified a real problem or challenge they were having and for which they wanted a solution. The two teams made presentations in class last week and each group has selected a client. 

Group 1 has taken on a problem identified by a fellow student about the lockers. The problem - the interior space of the lockers is non-standard and difficult to use to manage all of the materials students have. Group 1 is going to create a product that will help this (and perhaps other) students organize themselves. 

Group 2 interviewed the division heads and came to the conclusion that the problem they identified could be well-solved by creating a peer tutoring program in which older students would be able to help younger students with different kinds of academic work. Each group is hard at work on their projects and will use their learning to springboard themselves into solving even more complex, and real, problems.
TVT Community Day School is a TK-12 Independent Community Day School in Irvine, CA
Founded in Loving Memory of Naomi Gelman Weiss